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Arrange an introductory meeting

Arrange a coaching appointment

In the introductory meeting we discuss together what it is about. Both from the parent's point of view and from the child or young person's point of view. In this conversation, which is free for you, we can take a look at each other in peace and see whether the chemistry between us is right.

If you decide to do this, you can make an appointment for your first coaching session immediately afterwards. A session usually lasts about 1 hour including a follow-up discussion with the parents. 



It is not always possible to predict how many sessions will be needed. However, between 3 and 5 sessions are often enough to successfully work on a topic. The methods are adapted to the individual situation depending on the situation and needs.

The coaching sessions usually take place in my SorgenFreiRaum. In special situations I can also come to you, or we can do it online via Zoom. The coaching can be done in both German and English.


The introductory conversation is completely free and non-binding. The 5 and 10 cards are not time-limited, meaning they can be used in the future for any new topic that may arise.

Individual appointment

5 card

10 card

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