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Process and costs

Calendar pages

Monthly contribution

With these booking options you can choose between 

  • 1 day/week at €140

  • 2 days/week at €260

  • 3 days/week at €370


Unused appointments can be made up (subject to availability). The notice period is 2 months to the end of the month.

The costs include all materials as well as the firing of pottery works.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

10 card

You can buy the 10-ticket ticket from me directly on site and then register online for the desired day(s) to secure a place. You are free to decide whether you book one day a week or three.


Places are limited, thereforer register for it in good time.


Cost for the 10 ticket: €360

The costs include all materials as well as the firing of pottery works.

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